Features Ad Serving
Ad Targeting

Setup Ad Targeting
- Click on any individual ad, zone, group or campaign
- Click on tab "Restrictions" to view, modify existing restrictions or add a new restriction
Below is the comprehensive list of available restriction types and their examples:
Geographical Targeting (Geo-Targeting)
Restriction | Examples |
Language | Show to visitors who speak English, Spanish Don't show to visitors who speak Polish, Vietnamese |
Country | Show to visitors from Poland, Vietnam Don't show to visitors from Canada, Spain |
City | Show to visitors from Chicago, Illinois Don't show to visitors from Pacifica, California |
Continent | Show to visitors from Europe Don't show to visitors from Asia |
State, Province, Region | Show to visitors from California, USA Don't show to visitors from Newfoundland, Canada |
US Metropolitan | Show to visitors from Seattle-Tacoma WA Don't show to visitors from Odessa-Midland TX |
Within a radius of a GPS latitude/longitude coordinate (IP mapping or Geolocation API) | Show to visitors within 100 miles of Chicago, Illinois, United States (41.85,-87.65) Don't show to visitors within 200 miles of Rome, Italy (41.9,12.5) |
US/Canada Phone Area Code | Show to visitors within 408, 650 Don't show to visitors within 416 |
US Zipcode and Canadian Postal Code | Show to visitors within M4T Don't show to visitors within 95111, 95116 |
Internet Provider/Carrier or Organization (IP mapping) | Show to visitors using Comcast Don't show to visitors using Verizon |
Date & Time
Restriction | Examples |
Start & End Date | Show between these dates June 1 - June 30 Don't show between these dates May 1 - May 20 |
Day of Week | Show on Monday, Friday Don't show to visitors on Saturday, Sunday |
Time of Day or Dayparting | Show during these hours 09:00, 10:00 Don't show during these hours 02:00, 03:00, 04:00 |
Ad Metrics
Restriction | Examples |
Hourly Impressions (gross / unique) | Maximum 500 gross impressions per hour |
Hourly Clicks (gross / unique) | Maximum 10 gross clicks per hour |
Daily Impressions (gross / unique) | Maximum 5,000 gross impressions per day |
Daily Clicks (gross / unique) | Maximum 100 gross clicks per day |
Daily Conversions or Transactions | Maximum 10 transactions per day |
Daily Revenue | Maximum 100 USD in revenue per day |
Share of Voice or Share of Impression | Maintain around 30% of impressions in ZoneXYZ |
Monthly Impressions (gross / unique) | Maximum 50,000 gross impressions per month |
Monthly Clicks (gross / unique) | Maximum 5,000 gross clicks per month |
Monthly Conversions or Transactions | Maximum 100 transactions per month |
Monthly Revenue | Maximum 1,000 USD in revenue per month |
Total Impressions (gross / unique) | Maximum 50,000 gross impressions in total |
Total Clicks (gross / unique) | Maximum 5,000 gross clicks in total |
Total Conversions or Transactions | Maximum 100 transactions in total |
Total Revenue | Maximum 1,000 USD in revenue in total |
Restriction | Examples |
Frequency Capping | Don't show if this visitor has viewed it 10 times within the last day |
Time Capping | Don't show to this visitor again until 30 minutes later |
Audience Session Targeting | Don't show if visitor recently saw ad ABC |
Visitor's IP Address | Show to visitors with IP like 200.201.202.* Don't show to visitors with IP like |
Visitor's Hostname/Domain (DNS Lookup) | Show to visitors from *.mit.edu Don't show to visitors from *.treasury.gov |
Browser | Show to visitors using Chrome Don't show to visitors using Opera |
Device | Show to visitors using Android Don't show to visitors using iPhone |
Operating System / Platform | Show to visitors using Windows Don't show to visitors using Linux |
Referring Page | Show to visitors came from this page example.com/good.html Don't show to visitors came from this page example.com/bad.html |
Ad Placement Page | Show to visitors viewing this page example.com/interesting.html Don't show to visitors viewing this page example.com/boring.html |
Other Targeting Criteria
Restriction | Examples |
Keyword/Contextual Targeting | Show if the ad tag has keywords Premium Don't show if the ad tag has keywords Travel |
Competitive and Companion Positioning | Show on the same page with ad ABC Don't show on the same page with ad XYZ |
Other Articles in Ad Serving
Features of our ad server that display ads to your viewers, record ad metrics like impressions and clicks.
- Ad Formats and Ad Dimensions
- Ad Optimization
- Ad Tag and Serving Code
- Ad Tracking
- Competitive & Companion Positioning
- Default and Secondary Zone
- Email Ad Serving
- Mobile Ad Serving
- Native Ad Serving
- Priority in Serving Frequency
- Roku Ad Serving
- Secure Ad Serving with SSL
- Text Link Ads
- Video Ad Serving
- VMAP Video Ad Serving
- Zone Targeting and Campaign Targeting
Cannot find an answer for your question? Ask our Customer Care team
- Gross Impression and Unique Impression
"An ad impression, also known as an ad view, is a single instance of a single advertisement appearance. One visitor ..."
- Maximum/Target Quotas
"You can set an upper limit for impressions, clicks, conversions, or revenue for an ad, group, or zone. When it ..."
- Gross Click and Unique Click
"Similar to impressions, a gross click is counted every time a visitor clicks on the ad. It includes duplications and ..."
- Schedule Settings for Restriction
"For each restriction, you can set it to be active during: a start and end date, certain days of the ..."
- Click-Through Rate (CTR)
"CTR measures the effectiveness of an advertisement. It is calculated using the following formula that involves the number of clicks ..."