Features Ad Serving
Text Link Ads
Publishers can serve text ads with just a few simple steps. When creating a new ad, choose the ad type to be "Text Ad".The field "First Line Text Link" is the main text link, which a viewer can click on. You can add multiple lines of text description below the first line for additional advertising information in the field "Additional Ad Lines". To break into a new line, use <br/>
tag. To add more text links, use this format <a href="https://www.example.com/">Example Link</a>
The following text ad has 3 lines, one text link and two additional lines with one extra link inside the description:CSS Styling
To change the font, size, color, width, and other styles for your text ad, you can apply custom CSS styling rules to the parent containing box, commonly the container DIV element.... <head> <style> #TextAdExample {color: green;background:gray;} #TextAdExample a {color: red;background:blue;} </style> ... </head> <body> ... <div id="TextAdExample"> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://g.adspeed.net/ad.php?..."> </script> </div> ...Demo
Serving multiple text ads
You can use one ad tag to display multiple text ads together. Learn MoreMix text and image
If you want to create an ad that contains both text and image, please use the Rich-Media/HTML ad type. Learn MoreServing text link ads in email/newsletter
Our ad server can display and track individual text links in HTML-based newsletter/email. Because email software blocks JavaScript, ad serving, or ad rotation, of multiple text link ads within a zone is not supported. On the other hand, rotation of multiple image ads in an email newsletter is supported. Please follow these steps to get the ad tag for an individual text ad:- Create a new ad, choose the ad type to be "Text Ad"
- Click on "Ad Tag" tab after the ad settings are saved and choose the tag format to be "Email"
- Paste this email ad tag as HTML into your email/newsletter editor
Other Articles in Ad Serving
Features of our ad server that display ads to your viewers, record ad metrics like impressions and clicks.
- Ad Formats and Ad Dimensions
- Ad Optimization
- Ad Tag and Serving Code
- Ad Targeting
- Ad Tracking
- Competitive & Companion Positioning
- Default and Secondary Zone
- Email Ad Serving
- Mobile Ad Serving
- Native Ad Serving
- Priority in Serving Frequency
- Roku Ad Serving
- Secure Ad Serving with SSL
- Video Ad Serving
- VMAP Video Ad Serving
- Zone Targeting and Campaign Targeting
Cannot find an answer for your question? Ask our Customer Care team
- Campaign
"Documentation for API methods to manage your campaigns in our ad server. API Version1.4.6 (build 20240530). This page was updated ..."
- Website
"Documentation for API methods to manage one or multiple websites. API Version1.4.6 (build 20240530). This page was updated on Sat, ..."
- How can I combine multiple ads in the same placement?
"For your convenience and better performance, you can display multiple ads in a zone using a single ad tag. Each ..."
- Grid-of-Images Ad
"This template is for an ad with multiple images and text links in a table. You can have multiple columns ..."
in Ad Gallery - Catfish Ad
"A catfish ad appears (slides in or fades in) as a horizontal area at the bottom of a page. The ..."
in Ad Gallery