Features Ad Serving
Roku Ad Serving

Getting Started
- Create a video zone
- Create a video ad/commercial ad and link it into this zone
- Get the VAST URL for this zone under tab "Roku"
- Paste it into the field "Ad Server URL" in section Monetization of your Roku channel
Other Considerations
- By default, Roku uses a 70:30 inventory split system. This means 70% of the time Roku will call AdSpeed to get one of your ads in your AdSpeed account and 30% of the time Roku will try to display its own video ads. If Roku cannot fill an ad (i.e. does not have an available ad to display) then there won't be an ad. In these cases, Roku does not support an option to fallback to AdSpeed, or other ad sources.
- Roku's guideline for pre-roll ads: "Pre-roll ads are automatically inserted in content that is 15 minutes or less. For content longer than 15 minutes, do not insert pre-roll ad breaks."
- Roku's guideline for mid-roll ads: Guideline depends on content/video type
- Roku's guideline for post-roll ads: Do not insert post-roll ad breaks
- Roku ad tag contains some special macros like ROKU_ADS_CACHE_BUSTER, ROKU_ADS_LIMIT_TRACKING, ROKU_ADS_TRACKING_ID
- If you encounter this error "The server URL could not be validated", it means that your account is not yet setup for Roku integration, please contact us to enable it
- Developer Tool: Roku Stream Tester
Other Articles in Ad Serving
Features of our ad server that display ads to your viewers, record ad metrics like impressions and clicks.
- Ad Formats and Ad Dimensions
- Ad Optimization
- Ad Tag and Serving Code
- Ad Targeting
- Ad Tracking
- Competitive & Companion Positioning
- Default and Secondary Zone
- Email Ad Serving
- Mobile Ad Serving
- Native Ad Serving
- Priority in Serving Frequency
- Secure Ad Serving with SSL
- Text Link Ads
- Video Ad Serving
- VMAP Video Ad Serving
- Zone Targeting and Campaign Targeting
Cannot find an answer for your question? Ask our Customer Care team
- Video Ad Serving
"AdSpeed's Video Ad Server uses the IAB standard for video advertising known as VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) so video ..."
- VMAP Video Ad Serving
"Video Multiple Ad Playlist, or VMAP, is an IAB industry standard that enables flexible and powerful scheduling for multiple VAST ..."
- How do I setup a companion ad in video ad serving?
"A companion ad runs along with a VAST video ad (pre-roll, mid-roll or post-roll) to provide a more integrated experience ..."
- How do I pass custom data and variables into the ad?
"You can pass a custom value into the ad tag and our ad server will pass that same value along ..."
- HTML5 Video Ad
"HTML5 introduces the new <video> tag that allows easy integration and display of videos, including video ads. This tag is ..."
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