Help Center Manage Your Account Ad Tag

How can I mix ad dimensions or mix banners with text-link ads?

You can mix banners of different dimensions (eg: 120x300, 120x600) and text-link ads together in the same placement.


In this example, we want to show either: four text-link ads, two 120x300 ads or a single 120x600 in one single ad space.


To setup the serving code for this advanced ad serving option, you can enter the following value into the "Custom Parameters" field when generating the serving code: &dim=0x0x4|120x300x2|120x600
  • Four text ads side-by-side, or
  • Two 120x300 ads, or
  • One full 120x600 skyscaper banner


Demo for mixing text ads with banner ads


You can change the styling for the ad units using CSS. Learn more

Other Articles in Ad Tag

This section describes the ad tag (serving code) with basic and advanced settings. It includes common ad serving setup instructions and answers frequently asked questions when integrating the ad tag into your site, blog or app.

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