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Alternative Image/Media URL

An alternative/backup image or HTML5 URL is used for Flash/SWF ads. This field accepts an image URL or a HTML URL. This is served as the backup content in case the Flash/SWF ad cannot be displayed or loaded for several reasons:
  • The browser does not have a working Flash player. The Flash player is disabled or is not installed
  • The browser has an older Flash player version than the required version by the Flash ad
  • The SWF file is missing or the URL returns a 404 error page
  • The file/web server does not return a properly format SWF file
  • A non-secure URL is used from within a secure ad request
  • Mobile devices that do not support Flash will also fall back to this backup media. This include iOS devices like iPhones and iPads. You can convert a SWF ad to a HTML5 ad in order to display on these devices

Styling Control

You can control the styling, look and responsiveness of this alternative creative using CSS. The CSS class name for the alternative image is "AdSpeedAltImg".
.AdSpeedAltImg {
  max-width: 100%;
For the HTML5's Iframe, its class name is "AdSpeedAltFrame" and the frame is placed within a DIV container with class name "AdSpeedAltFrameDIV" for aspect ratio control within a responsive web design.
.AdSpeedAltFrameDIV {
  position: relative;
  width: 100%;
  height: 0;
  padding-bottom: xx%; /* the aspect ratio of the ad. Eg: 300x250 is 83% */

.AdSpeedAltFrame {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  left: 0; top: 0;
Learn more about making ad responsive.

Click Tracking for HTML5

For a HTML5 version of the SWF ad, a click tracking macro needs to be added to the HTML5 code or to the URL directly. If you use Swiffy to export the HTML5 ad, the click tracking macro can be added directly to the URL, like this:[ASClickTracker]

Default Content

If you leave this setting empty, a default error message will be displayed when the Flash/SWF cannot be displayed. To avoid this error, make sure you specify a backup image/HTML for the SWF/Flash ad, your browser has the latest Flash plugin and the SWF file loads properly. You can check for the installed Flash version.

Other Articles in Banner, Richmedia, and Text Ads

Information about different ad formats, dimension, sizes, and specifications.

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