Help Center Troubleshooting Problems with Ad Serving

How do I see ad or page errors with the browser's Console tool?

All browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Brave) provides detailed technical behind-the-scene information when you experience a problem with ad display or a page error. It is the first thing we want to see when something is not working properly. Often, you can right click on the page and click on "Inspect". The instructions are similar for difference browsers.

Similarly, you can see the ad request URLs from the Network tab, which is to the right of the Console tab.

Open the Console tool in Google Chrome

Follow menu View / Developer / JavaScript Console


Open the Console tool in Mozilla Firefox

Follow menu Tools / Web Developer / Web Console

Open the Console tool in Microsoft Edge

Follow menu Tools / Developer / JavaScript Console

Open the Console tool in Apple Safari

Follow menu Develop / Show JavaScript Console

Other Articles in Problems with Ad Serving

Instructions to troubleshoot and correct issues with ad serving

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