Serving ads during the re-opening phase (part 2)

Definition of workplace
While businesses are now almost fully reopened, the relationship between employees and their employers have changed dramatically. The balance has shifted from employers to employees in many industries. It is no longer just about wages, even though that is still a huge factor due to the rising inflation. Many employees do not want to return to the office, even only for a few days per week. They have been enjoying the flexibility of working from home or working remotely. Some are even combining working and vacation at the same time because they can do both. Employers are finding it difficult to bring people back after more than 2 years away from the office. There is no single solution that comes out as the optimal one because things are still changing constantly. The balance is still being negotiated between the management and their workers given all the uncertainties around the world.Going forward, a hybrid model is likely to be very popular because it offers the best of both worlds. It allows employees some flexibility during those days that they can work from home. On the other hand, employers are able to reinforce the company’s culture and strengthen brainstorm sessions during those in-person meetings and gatherings. Not all businesses can operate fully remote or in a hybrid mode. Factories rely on workers to tend to their expensive and stationary machines at specific locations. Office workers can video chat and use computers to work remotely from pretty much anywhere. Because people are still working from home, the line is blurred between serving ads designed for work and those of a more personal nature. The advertisers that can manage this mixed environment and offer sound solutions will be the ones who are the quickest to see their business thrive in the new workplace.
Short-term plans
One major issue that advertisers continue to face is that they don't really know how long the current restrictions are going to be in place or if things could get worse due to some unforeseen developments. We have seen and have been through many unprecedented events in the past 2 years so nothing is guaranteed or impossible going forward. This has been a fluid situation from day one. Things change day by day. It has been the case for more than 2 years so who knows what can happen in the future. Therefore, it is smart to really look at the short-term future and plan tactically instead of trying to guess how things might play out over the long haul. Having flexibility like short-term ad campaigns in your ad servers seems to be the way to go at the moment. Anything that allows you to increase or decrease your advertising quickly is a plus.Related
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