Opportunities for publishers after the pandemic

At a time when we are seeing businesses close up shop and others struggling to find employees and fight rising inflation, you might think that everything is doom and gloom. While there certainly are many problems and issues that need to be addressed, the reality is that we are living in a time where there are many opportunities for online publishers as we come out of the pandemic. There is a genuine chance to flourish as owner of online properties and platforms by teaming up with businesses and advertisers that understand the importance of online advertising in this day and age. Let’s take a moment to take a closer look at some interesting opportunities open to publishers after the pandemic.
Increase in online traffic
One major thing we saw during this pandemic was the number of people spending more time online. Part of it was people staying at home to work or study, while others were out of the workforce and passing their time by going online for entertainment, shopping, reading, learning, etc. This happens to people of all ages, races, income levels; basically, all demographics. Those habits have stuck as we move beyond the pandemic. More screen time and more devices online means more likelihood of internet users visiting a publisher’s site, seeing and reacting to ads. That is great news for all online advertising companies, including publishers, advertisers, agencies, ad exchanges/networks and
Rise of remote work
As we just mentioned, a lot of people are now working from home instead of going into the office. Businesses have discovered that productivity does not dip when this happens and employees are happier. This is why this trend will almost certainly continue. Certain websites may be blocked and restricted within an office environment but that might not be the case when employees are working at home or on the go. Remote workers may well do some recreational surfing or shopping while they work. They are mixing personal and work activities more than ever before. They are using both personal and work devices. Work and life balance is a juggling act. This behavior has pros and cons but either way, it all adds up to more screen time and more
ad serving opportunities.
Adoption of online services
Another thing that people have done during the pandemic is become more reliant on online services like online shopping, food delivery, online banking. In many cases, the adoption of such services was born out of necessity, but users very quickly found them to be efficient and cost-saving, so they will continue with these services long after the pandemic is over. These activities reinforce the connected world that we live in.
Partner with businesses that survived
If the pandemic taught is anything, it is that some businesses were better equipped to deal with a crisis than others. In fairness, many businesses that closed were essentially forced into an untenable position, but it also became clear that certain businesses and industries were able to adapt quickly and even thrive in uncertain times. They were battle tested and survived. Each time period has a different set of opportunities and the businesses that captures those opportunities. These businesses will need to bring back old customers and attract new clients. As a publisher, you can help them do just that with an
effective ad serving strategy.
New customer habits and preferences
Again, the pandemic forced consumers to look at new ways of getting what they need during a time of crisis. More and more people are now shopping and taking advantage of online services than ever before, and they now trust the whole process and are becoming very familiar with it. That is very good news for both advertisers and publishers because this is a huge group of potential customers that might never have made that move to do more tasks online without the pandemic forcing their hands.
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