Blog Watson F

Below are articles by Watson F on AdSpeed ad server website:
  • Considerations for suitable ad placements
    "Ad placements are simply spaces available for ad serving. Advertisers often have specific preferences where their ads should appear. " More
  • Tips to optimize video ad serving
    "We have all heard the old adage about a picture being worth a thousand words, and if that is indeed the case, then you can only imagine the potential value of a video. There is a reason why advertisers are turning to video ad serving to lure in customers, and it all begins with getting a ton of valuable information out to customers in a way that is both informative and entertaining. " More
  • Tips to optimize video ad serving (part 2)
    "Visitors spend more time on sites with videos because people love seeing and sharing video content much more than just images and text content. It is much more entertaining, informational and engaging. " More
  • Advantages of a self-service ad serving program for publishers (part 2)
    "Publishers know that they have two main sources of revenue: subscriptions and advertising. " More
  • Supply chain issues and ad serving
    "While supply chain issues have been a problem since the pandemic started, the issue came very much into focus during the holidays. Getting all the presents and gifts that you wanted to buy for yourself, friends and family proved to be an issue for many, both on the consumer and manufacturer side of things. " More
  • Supply chain issues and ad serving (part 2)
    "In the first part, we discussed how supply chain issues affect different companies differently and how they can disrupt an ad campaign. We will continue to show how you can lessen the impacts of these uncertainties using online ad serving and digital tools. " More
  • Tips to manage multiple ads effectively in your ad server
    "There is no single ad that works for all viewers. Therefore, advertisers need to create and manage multiple ads. " More
  • Tips to manage multiple ads effectively in your ad server (part 2)
    "If you follow our previous article on how to manage multiple ads, you know it is a good idea to maintain a consistent ad naming scheme and routinely clean up old ads. We will continue to discuss additional tips to ensure that you are not overwhelmed when running many ads at the same time. " More
  • Ad serving and geopolitical uncertainties
    "When running a business, especially an online business that operates globally and relies on ad serving, it is a good idea to keep up with current affairs around the world. While every business owner would like to be in a situation where the geo-political climate doesn’t affect them at all. " More
  • Ad serving and geo-political uncertainties (part 2)
    "Sanctions, especially economic sanctions, affect many companies directly and indirectly. If your business serves sanctioned markets and/or sanctioned clients then you will feel the impact directly. " More
  • Ad serving strategies for a high inflation environment
    "There are many factors that come into play when running a business, all of which can have an impact on sales. The business environments have become even trickier during the pandemic because of supply chain issues, the rising cost of payroll and a sharp increase in inflation on pretty much everything. " More
  • Ad serving strategies for a high inflation environment (part 2)
    "Just when we think we have some control over the pandemic, inflation is getting out of control. Governments around the world are trying to tame inflation with monetary policies like raising interest rates and tightening money supply. " More
  • Common mistakes with video ad serving
    "There are many different ways to promote a business nowadays, but many people agree that video ads are considered near the top of the list. The ability to go into details about a product or service, while also showcasing what it offers, in a short amount of time, makes video ad serving a very attractive way to get the word out to consumers. " More
  • Common mistakes with video ad serving (part 2)
    "There is a great feeling of relief that comes once you are happy with the current script for your upcoming video ad because it is an interesting and convincing video script. However, there's still several pitfalls that you need to avoid and we will discuss them today. " More
  • Serving ads during the re-opening phase
    "During the course of the pandemic, businesses were forced to change the way they do pretty much everything. Demand dropped off the cliff within days, offices went empty, stores forced to close and so many disruptions along the way. " More
  • Advantages of podcast ad serving
    "It wasn’t so very long ago that there were only a handful of podcasts out there, but in recent years, they have exploded in popularity. The number of active podcasts is now in the millions, with that number growing daily. " More
  • Challenges to publishers after the pandemic
    "There has been a lot of talk about how the pandemic has affected business, with many failing to survive the past couple of years. Those who did survive had to alter their business plan, which included doing more online sales and services. " More
  • Opportunities for publishers after the pandemic
    "At a time when we are seeing businesses close up shop and others struggling to find employees and fight rising inflation, you might think that everything is doom and gloom. While there certainly are many problems and issues that need to be addressed, the reality is that we are living in a time where there are many opportunities for online publishers as we come out of the pandemic. " More
  • OTT versus traditional TV advertising
    "Television advertising has been around for many years. It has been and still is a very common medium for advertisers to allocate their ad budget. " More
  • Advantages of a self-service ad serving program for publishers
    "Let’s say that you have a website with quality content and good traffic. You want to start making some money from publishing ads. " More