Considerations when serving ads to parents and kids

Quality family time
In today’s modern world where kids spend a ton of time on digital devices, an ad for a product or service that promotes quality family time will really appeal to parents. This is why some of the best performing ads are the ones that show a family going or playing together and having fun. Quality family time is a commodity that is fast becoming scarce, so being able to show what you are offering can bring everyone together is sure to be a big selling point.Educational fun
The average kid wants to play with something that is fun, while parents seek out toys and games that are also educational. When you have a product that checks both boxes, you are potentially onto a winner. The dual benefits really need to be highlighted in all marketing materials. It can be a difficult thing to balance, but if you can show both the fun and educational aspects of a product, everyone comes away happy.Getting kids off the screen
Look around when you are out and about, and you will see that people tend to have their heads down, engrossed in the events unfolding on social media or paying attention to a game on their phones or tablets. It’s not just kids that are guilty of this, as parents often give up the quality time that we spoke about before because they are tied to their phones. If you offer something interesting that can get everyone set their phones aside and have meaningful interaction, parents are more than willing to pay for it and that makes a win-win situation.Sporting event advertising
Getting kids out of the house and be more active is tougher than ever in the digital generation, which is why marketing materials that highlight a healthy, active lifestyle are very often desirable. Developing an interest in sports and outdoor activities is one way to get kids off the phone and go outside. Advertisers of events, tournaments, competitions can benefit from this trend.Good moral business
The fact of the matter is that people are more inclined to do business with a company that has a track record of doing good things. Responsible marketing and making money while doing good is what you should aim for. Family values are always great, especially when marketing to kids and parents, but it also helps if marketing materials highlight this. For example, a company that makes toys might think about giving a certain percentage of each sale to a children’s hospital or some other charitable cause. A sport program offers reduced fees for families in need.Posted in Ad Strategies AdServer for Ad Agency AdServer for Advertiser by Watson F February 08, 2019
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