Artificial intelligence in advertising

Businesses that are successful are the ones that deliver great customer service as well as a quality product. This means catering to the specific needs of the customer, which is a whole lot easier to do in-store and face-to-face than it is online. However, that is changing as ads can now be dynamic and respond in real-time according to many different factors, including the mood and need of the audience, all without having to hire a team of people to manually do so. Artificial intelligence, or A.I. for short, has now hit the advertising world in a big way, with forward-thinking businesses using the technology in the following ways:
Smart ads that adapt to the viewer
There are several different ways in which this technology works, with facial recognition high on the list. These smart ads are displayed on devices equipped with a camera that can detect faces and mood of the viewers, making it possible to change the ad dynamically so that it is interesting and relevant. It makes sense to promote products that are more likely to be purchased by shoppers based on their current mood as opposed to blasting ads hoping that they will see something that they like. This is a futuristic form of ad targeting that is becoming more realistic.
Smart ads that adapt to response
Some ads have built-in questions, polls, or customizable settings to understand shoppers from their direct responses. Of course not all viewers will answer those questions but those who give answers are more open to seeing relevant ads. Depending on the given response, the ad can change to suit the viewer’s preference. The advertiser is, in a sense, delivering what the consumer wants to see or know about the offer. It is a win-win situation for both sides.
Trial and error
While advertisers would love to have every ad that they create to be a winner, some are going to be more successful than others. In many cases, it’s the perfect combination of text and images that proves to be a hit. Advertisers certainly have the ability to change these combinations and track data to find the best set-up, but that can be time consuming and costly. AI-powered ad optimization can change the combinations in real time and quickly deliver the best variants.
Quickly process bulk data
The harsh reality with online advertising is that ad systems are targets can be defrauded by unscrupulous publishers and hackers, which can quickly affect the overall ad budget and ROI. It takes time to spot the trends that eventually become obvious. However, A.I. can help an
ad server identify ad fraud more quickly by analyzing huge incoming streams of views and clicks. By nipping said problems in the bud, smart detection can save the advertisers a lot of money.
Quality analytics
With so much data out there, it can be tough for the average human to spot and understand patterns, never mind trying to figure out what to do with all that information. With artificial intelligence in advertising, advertisers can view visual reports that help them spot patterns, while also receive specific and actionable recommendations to improve and optimize the ad campaign.
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