Help Center About AdSpeed Sales

How secure is my credit card information?

You can subscribe to our ad serving service with your credit card or pay through PayPal. We understand security is a very serious concern for online payments and that is why all payments and sensitive payment information are transported and protected with an encrypted Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and a high-grade encryption algorithm. Your credit card information is encrypted and stored in a separate and secure PCI-compliant credit card processor company.

Fraud Prevention

To prevent credit card frauds, if the strict automated verification processes fail, we might request additional documentation and/or call your billing phone for a quick verification. This should only occur on your first transaction with a new credit card as a trade-off between convenience and security.

Your transaction is safe and secure with AdSpeed ad server. Read more for information about how we protect your account.

Other Articles in Sales

You can begin serving ads immediately after registering with our adserver. All ad changes become effective immediately. You can add a new plan or upgrade to a larger Premium plan at anytime.

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