Help Center For Publishers
Smart Group and Smart Zone
A smart zone or group automatically links to ads with certain attributes. For example, you want to create a group/zone of all 728x90 ads, or a group/zone with all ads with the word "summer" in their names. You enter the smart attribute into the group/zone setting and our ad management system will automatically link ads matching these attributes. Our ad manager detects and links new matches every 15 minutes. When you change or update the smart attribute, ads will be unlinked from the group/zone if they do not match the new attributes.Examples
- All 728x90 ads:
width=728 and height=90
- All ads that have 120 or 160 pixels as their width:
width=120 or width=160
- All GIF ads:
(possible value: gif, jpg, png, bmp, html, vprepost) - All ads contain the word "summer" in their name:
- All ads begin with "summer" in their name:
- All ads end with "summer" in their name:
- All ads of advertiser "Microsoft" (name of one of your own advertisers):
- All active ads linked to a zone (ID of one of your own zones):
- All active ads linked to a group (ID of one of your own groups):
- Combination:
(width=728 and height=90) and (name=*spring* or name=*summer*)
Other Articles in For Publishers
Instructions to begin using our ad management and ad serving solution
- Ad
- Advertiser
- Channel
- Getting Started
- Group
- Publisher
- Relationships between ad entities
- Walkthrough for a new account
- Zone
- Zone for Email Newsletter
Cannot find an answer for your question? Ask our Customer Care team
- Group
"A group is a collection of ads. A group is an ad management entity that is different from a zone. ..."
- How do I generate breakdown reports?
"When viewing a report for an entity, you have an option to drill down into more details. You can view ..."
- Website
"Documentation for API methods to manage one or multiple websites. API Version1.4.6 (build 20240530). This page was updated on Sat, ..."
- Share of Voice - Share of Impression
"You can set an ad to maintain a certain percentage of daily impressions within a zone or a group. This ..."
- How do I use AdSpeed Ad Server in Movable Type?
"If your site is powered by Movable Type, you will find our plugin for Movable Type easy to install and ..."