Help Center For Advertisers Conversion

How can I track conversions?

To track conversions, an advertiser needs to put a short piece of conversion tracking code (HTML code) generated by our adserver into their webpages. Conversion tracking depends on cookie.

How to get the conversion tracking code?

There are two ways to get the conversion tracking code.
If you are an Advertiser
  • Sign into your advertiser account
  • Enable the Conversion Tracking module from the menu "My Account / Profile / Add-ons" if it's not yet enabled
  • Follow the menu "My Account / Conversion Tracking"
  • Edit the conversion type or value (optional)
  • Copy the code and paste it into the conversion page(s) on your website
If you are a Publisher, an Agency, or an Ad Network
  • Sign into your account, follow the menu Advertisers / All
  • Choose an advertiser and click on the tab "Conversions" to generate the conversion tracking code
  • Edit the conversion type or value (optional)
  • Copy the code and send it to the advertiser. Instruct the advertiser to paste the code into the conversion page(s) on the advertiser's website

Where to place the code?

When your customer visits the webpage with a conversion tracking code, our ad server will record the data for this conversion (value, location, time, date, etc.) If the conversion type is:
  • Purchase
    Put the conversion tracking code on the confirmation page after the customer has bought something from your store. For example: "Thank you for your order"
  • Signup
    Put the conversion tracking code on the confirmation page after a new registration or submission. For example: "You have been subscribed to our newsletter", or "Thank you for signing up"
  • Button
    You can record a conversion when a button is clicked with JavaScript's onclick and the image pixel/beacon. onclick='document.createElement("img").src="[CONVERSION_TRACKING_URL]"; return true;'
  • Other/Custom
    You can create additional conversion types that is suitable to your own tracking requirements.

Create new conversion types

In addition to the default types (Lead, Signup, Purchase, Pageview), an advertiser can create a custom conversion type. Follow the menu "My Account / Conversion Tracking", click on tab "Types" and click on tab "Add".

Assign monetary value for each conversion

Additionally, you can assign a dollar value to each conversion through the conversion tracking tag. For example, the customer purchased a $20 item then you should use $20 as the conversion value in the tracking code. This value can be assigned dynamically (the value of the shopping cart for each customer) by your shopping cart software. Reports on conversion value only show up from within the advertiser account. Publisher can set the ad's CPA rate which is the revenue for publisher and the cost to advertiser.

Other Articles in Conversion

Information about CPA, ROI and conversion tracking using our ad server for advertisers

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