Help Center For Advertisers Overview

How can I use invoice macros to create a dynamic invoice?

For your convenience, certain macros can be used to generate more dynamic invoices and invoice items.

Invoice Name

These macros can be used inside the invoice name
  • {AS:LastMonth} displays last month
    Example: "Invoice for {AS:LastMonth}" becomes "Invoice for August" if this month is September
  • {AS:LastMonthWithYear} displays last month and year
    Example: "Invoice for {AS:LastMonthWithYear}" becomes "Invoice for August 2020" if this month is September 2020

Invoice Item Description

These macros can be used inside the description of each invoice item
  • {AS:Clicks:LastMonth} and {AS:Impressions:LastMonth} displays the number of gross clicks/impressions of last month. This macro is useful when you want to quickly add details for invoice items without having to lookup the click/impression reports and enter the numbers manually
    Example: Last month, advertiser Toyota had 100 clicks and 5000 impressions, enter into Item Description: "{AS:Clicks:LastMonth} clicks last month" will display "100 clicks last month" and "{AS:Impressions:LastMonth} impressions last month" will display "5000 impressions last month"

Invoice Item Name

These macros can be used as the name of each invoice item
  • {AS:Expense:LastMonth} or {AS:Revenue:LastMonth} generates an invoice item for last month's expense/revenue for this advertiser. This macro is useful when you want to quickly create an invoice for last month without having to lookup the expense/revenue reports and enter the numbers manually
    Example: Last month, advertiser Toyota incurs $100 for ad clicks and impressions, enter {AS:Expense:LastMonth} as the Item Name will create an invoice item for $100. For other fields, you can enter 1 into Quantity and enter 1 into Unit Price. You can enter "{AS:Clicks:LastMonth} clicks and {AS:Impressions:LastMonth} impressions" into Item Description to provide a summary on the ad metrics

Other Articles in Overview

General FAQs for advertisers about click fraud, sending and paying invoices

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